We are pleased to give you information about news on real estate investments published in different media. We hope you find it interesting. We can help you analyze how this information can generate opportunities for your next investment.
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“Mega operations” trigger record figures in real estate investments
Only four days remain till the closing of the six-month period and the sale of buildings and plots of lands in the six first months of 2017 reached a volume of 5,991 million euros, according to information provided by JLL real estate consulting company, which means 70% higher than the sales figures recorded in the first six months of 2016.
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Construction will grow by 3% in Spain in 2017, driven by homes construction
In residential construction, the recovery of the demand is becoming more and more evident, which, together with the reduction in stock, pave the way for the construction of new residential buildings. The construction sector will grow by 3% this year in Spain, only driven by residential construction works, as civil works are still at a minimum.
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The Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos, has stated that the recent evolution of the Spanish economy “has exceeded expectations”, therefore, growth in the second quarter is estimated to be “stronger” than the 0.8% GDP increase of the first quarter, thus leading to historic creation of job opportunities between April and June.
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Brand new homes price will go up by 8% in 2017
The price of brand new housing units, the ones with the highest demand and the lowest supply, will rise by approximately 8% in 2017. This type of property, either under pre-construction process or on a turnkey basis, will increase their prices “faster” than the other categories this year. It has been estimated that the demand for brand new homes in Spain in the next two years will be between 120,000 and 140,000 units yearly.
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In Madrid, the price of brand new homes rose by 8.1% compared to the first quarter in 2016. In turn, the price of second-hand homes has gone up by 11.0% compared to the first quarter of 2016.
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Craze for bricks? Seven signals that prove this.
The real estate market is evolving at two very different speeds. While in premium neighborhoods such as Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, Valencia or Palma, among others, housing units are gradually reaching the prices that they had prior to the crises, there are still lots of assets that will continue to decrease their value.
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Mortgage signatures for homes are getting stronger and increasing by 20.2% in March.
The value of mortgages constituted for the acquisition of homes reached the amount of 3,173.1 million euros after experiencing a 28% increase inter-annually and 12.5% increment on a monthly basis, while the average amounts of such loans was 114,469 euros, 6.4% higher than in March 2016.
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Sareb doubles its business operations and sells 48 apartments daily until April
They closed 5,720 real estate operations in four months, 92% higher than the same period in 2016. It boosted sales of residential units or plots of lands and triggered the sale of commercial properties as well. Such figure includes both real estate owned by Sareb, starting with 50 billion euros and which has already decreased below 40 billion and also real estate of indebted promoters as a way of helping them to pay their debts.
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Brand new construction works give back the essence of Madrid Real Estate Exhibition
The supply of real estate based on the turnkey method or ready-to-move units that used to be sold by banks have made way for traditional promoters, thus allowing SIMA to return to its origins, serving as a great showcase for brand new homes. After so many years of interruption, even though there is still some stock of unsold homes inherited from the bubble in locations such as Madrid, Barcelona, Costa del Sol and the big cities where more economic activity and job opportunities are present, home buyers have started to demand construction of brand new units, as they are running out of stock.
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Increase of house rental income as investment
Professionals and individuals are again paying attention to the residential sector as a way of obtaining benefits because the acquisition of a house for rent purposes offers returns much higher than those obtained from other financial assets. In addition, the price of apartments is still much lower than ten years ago and, most importantly, with an upward trend.
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BBVA confirms that the real estate market is evolving favorably at the beginning of 2017
BBVA observes a “positive” evolution in the real estate market at the beginning of 2017, as the purchase of homes still finds some “backup” in mortgage financing facilities, the construction continues to grow and the sale of housing units is keeping up with the pace of growth.
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Homes sale rose by 26.9% in March for a maximum of six-year periods.
Homes sale went up by 26.9% in March compared to the same month in 2016, reaching the number of 40,461 operations, the highest figure since February 201. This increment, which represents an inter-annual increase for 14 consecutive months, is much higher than that experienced in February when these operations rose by 1.2% at an inter-annual rate.
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Investment of more than 1 billion in Malls
Malls are still drawing the attention of investors and they are the second real estate segment with more dynamism, only surpassed by offices. The investment activity in this type of assets was maintained in the first quarter of this year, exceeding the amount of 1 billion euros.
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Foreigners are buying more houses than ever before in Spain
Last year foreigners bought a total number of 53,495 housing units in Spain, compared to 46,730 in 2015. This means that 13.2% of homes sold in the country were acquired by foreigners, a record figure. From its historical minimum of 4.2% in 2009, seven consecutive years of growth have been experienced; three times its percentage point.
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The Wealth Report 2017 /Spain, the sixth more attractive real estate market for rich people
For the first time in the history of this report which has been made since 2006, Spain is part of the ten more attractive markets worldwide. Thirty six percent of the real estate investment in Spain came from private funds involving more than 30 million euros in 2016. The average amount of real estate operations closed by large operators in Spain ranges from 15 to 20 million euros.
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Land is again good business but far from the goldmine it used to be before the crisis
The price per square meter of urban lands grew by 13% in 2016 but it is still 66% lower than one decade ago. The recovery process takes place according to the neighborhoods, while there are locations such as Madrid where values have skyrocketed, in other locations, prices remain very low. The lack of plots of lands in the big cities will cause the appearance of available lots for construction purposes in two years; which would eventually lead to higher prices.
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Real estate funds launch their own housing promotions in Spain
Among the most active funds, the German fund Activum SG Capital Management stands out. Today, this investor is working on the development of 2000 housing units in six projects such as those in San Juan (Alicante), Alacalá de Henares (Madrid) and Málaga.
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Unemployment drops to 98,317 people reaching its lowest level since 2009
The number of unemployed people registered in public employment services offices dropped to 98,317 in June, compared to the previous month, this being 2.8% lower and the fifth best historic record, as informed last Tuesday by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. The total number of unemployed people was 3,362,811 by the end of June, the lowest level since January 2009.
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